Thrive Together with Thick

Thick Golf's Commitment to Giving Back

We believe in the power of giving back to the next generation and to leave golf better than we found it. We've made it our mission to advance the game we love and make it accessible to everyone by donating 1% of our annual net profits to providing golf lessons and golf gear to junior golfers. Thrive Together with Thick will work with kids who do not have the means or access to learn the game.

Engaging in sports activities from a young age has been shown to have numerous positive effects on children's physical, mental, and social well-being:

  • Participating in sports like golf helps kids develop fundamental motor skills, improve coordination, and enhance overall physical fitness. From swinging a club to walking the course, golf promotes an active lifestyle.
  • Sports also play a crucial role in mental health and cognitive development. Golf requires strategic thinking, problem-solving, and focus, all of which are valuable skills that children can apply both on and off the course. Also, getting kids outside can have a calming effect, reducing stress, and promoting mental clarity.
  • Golf is a social sport that encourages interaction, communication, and teamwork. While learning to golf, kids have the opportunity to develop social skills such as cooperation, sportsmanship, and respect for others. They learn to navigate challenges, celebrate successes, and support their peers, fostering friendships and a sense of belonging.

By supporting junior golf, Thick Golf aims to provide access to these invaluable benefits for young individuals who may not have had the opportunity otherwise. We believe that every child deserves the chance to experience the joys and rewards of sports participation, regardless of their background or circumstances.

Join us in our commitment to giving back and building a brighter future for the game of golf through Thrive Together with Thick. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of children and communities, one swing at a time.